Prayer Services

Spiritual Mind Treatment

Michelle Wadleigh is known for her love and devotion to Prayer Treatment. While working with Michelle with prayer you will experience the fullest expression of Spirit ever. She will bring you into the depth of your being and leave you feeling loved, heard, and supported in the most amazing way.

Spiritual Mind Treatment, also known as Affirmative Prayer or Prayer Treatment, is a powerful tool that is based strongly on a foundation of spiritual faith in addition to being supported now with science.

Treatment, as it is provided by Michelle, is based solely on her training in Science of Mind that is taught in the Centers for Spiritual Living throughout the world. If you would like more information on the Centers for Spiritual Living, seek out a center near you at

The science behind this tool has been taught by many current teachers and doctors such as: Greg Braden, Bruce Lipton, David Hamilton, Lissa Rakin, Deepak Chopra and many more.  They will provide you with scientific data that will quantify this tool and satisfy the left side of your brain.

In addition to these modern day teachers, there are many other teachers who will provide you with the information and inspiration to utilize this beautiful tool:

  • Emma Curtis Hopkins
  • Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science, now Centers for Spiritual Living
  • Charles Fillmore, Co-Founder of Unity
  • Raymond Charles Barker, a Religious Science teacher.
  • H.B. Jeffries
  • Michael Bernard Beckwith, Fonder of The Agape International Spiritual Center

In the beginning was the Word and the word was made flesh.  These words have been overlooked by many who never thought of them to be so literal.  Our world, our entire reality, is created by means of our words, thoughts and intentions.  We alter our consciousness and our world is the result of the shift of our consciousness.

Treatments can be by phone or in person when she is in a town near you.  Treatment sessions are about 30 minutes long.

Sessions are $75.00,

Request a recording for $25*

*The recording will be sent to you via an MP3.