Neil Pinkman, as a Transformational Life Coach, Conscious Business Coach, and a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, specializes in coaching individuals, entrepreneurs, and small companies to bring personal, professional, and organizational development and growth. Neil has created a unique approach of combining consciousness altering techniques with practical, straight forward, real life processes for transformation. Neil’s easy-going, conversational style utilizing humor has allowed him to become a recognized speaker on the subjects of personal and spiritual growth, marketing and sales strategies, and family business development. All his experience led him to the creation of the Spirit of Business program where the essence is increasing economic prosperity through the conscious evolution of the individual, and therefore, the organization.
He was the founding Director of The Dharma Center for Healing Arts, an educational and treatment facility devoted to personal, professional, and spiritual growth. This Center successfully served thousands of clients of all ages and from all walks of life.
Having been an entrepreneur his entire career, and the co-founder of a nationally recognized marketing design company for 25 years, Neil realized that his company’s success was mostly created on what he knew about developing people; personally, professionally, and spiritually. This is what inspired him to devote the rest of his life to helping people grow and develop.
His broad experience in all aspects of business development gives him great insight for helping others increase their ability to personally and professionally develop and grow.
Neil served for 3 years as the Executive Director of a non-profit. He has also served on the Member Council and the Presidents Team for the Centers for Spiritual Living in Golden, CO and continues to serve as the Executive Director for the Center for Spiritual Living North Jersey in Caldwell, NJ.